Friday, May 30, 2008

Maniacal Machinations: Stop Quoting Portal!

I'd have thought this goes without saying, but people really need to stop saying, "The Cake is a Lie!" No, seriously. Once in a blue moon, something awesome like Portal comes along and what do people do? They quote it to death. STOP IT!

Quote-spamming something hyperpopular like Portal is good for a month tops. However, most people can't seem to get that through their heads. It stops being funny. Yes, I know the cake is a fucking lie, I know about the fucking Cube, and I know that you're still alive . . . still alive . . .still alive. Hell, stuff like this isn't even quoted with any cleverness half of the time. For example:

"Hey, guys, I went to that Chinese restaurant that just opened across the street."
"How was it?"
"I was alright, but there's one problem."
"What's that?"
"The cake is a lie!"



No. Damn you and your non-sequiturs to hell. It's not just Portal either. Is it too much to ask for a day where I don't have to hear, "If any of you are aliens, time-travelers, or espers, please come see me. That is all!"?

Honestly, spewing out Portal quotes with no context whatsoever is like digging up the corpse of your best friend's grandmother, repeatedly having your way with it, throwing it in a wood chipper, and then writing about it on your blog. Thank you, Internet, you killed Portal. This is why we can't have nice things.

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