Saturday, July 19, 2008

My Terrible Romantic Life Volume 2

So for the second post on my little series it's time to introduce the advice portion. Since I'll try and post daily, most of these will be short, paragraph at most, style hints. Today's advice, alcohol.

Alcohol is a man's best friend, fuck dogs. Sure they are cute and loyal, but they don't make me funnier, more handsome, and god damn more confident. It ain't named liquid courage for nothing! When you have a lady in your sights, and you think she's above your league, or your just shy, take another shot. Still not enough? Take another. Rinse and repeat to taste. What's the worst that could happen? You eventually work up the nerve and talk to her, or you wake up in some Mexican hellhole. The girls down there sure ain't outta your league, and you leave with a souvenir! Hell gonorrhea ain't that bad, got drugs that'll clear it right up!

Happy Hunting!

UPDATE: 7/22/08 Link to the PA comic which was partial inspiration for this. One of my most favorite ever, but why do their archives have to suck balls?

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