Thursday, January 17, 2008


Well, the holidays are over, and it just got harder for me to do blog posts. Not because the block on Blogger has been lifted. Not because I don't have programming anymore. It's because my ass of a teacher put me at a different computer AWAY from everyone worth talking to, next to a SpEd kid, and with the screen almost directly facing him from anywhere in the room. Also, the sped kid is like... blind or needs new glasses cuz he can't see a damn thing on the board, and keeps looking at my screen. OH GOD HE'S PICKING HIS NOSE.


Moving right along.

I get home last night, i've been doing my homework for fifteen minutes, and suddenly, "IT'S SNOWING!" Snow? In MY deep south?
So I stood outside and caught snowflakes (probably acidic), then continued studying. From inside the house, I hear various parts of the neighborhood noticing the snow. Ah, so nice. Of course, it's not sticking. At first. About an inch of snow was on the ground by the time I finished--STOP GETTING IN MY PERSONAL SPACE, SPED!-- and I put on my mother's NorthFace over my hoodie, and a pair of old jeans that don't really fit over my sweatpants. And a pair of crocs, the kind with no holes. Clogs, essentially.
My little brother starts rolling a ball of snow around. I glance at it, it's the size of a soccer ball, and claims it began as a golf ball. Well. The next time I look at it (I'm busy in the woodsy area behind the house shaking snow off of trees), it's got the diameter of a hula hoop. He calls for my help to push it. The thing has to be at least 100 pounds. Then my little sister gets her own ball rolling, and tells me to roll a head. Oh yes. Snow man time.

So it gets really dark, we take a quick chicken dumpling soup break. We go back out and roll the three balls together (Head, Gutter, Sploosh, etc.). And we can't lift the middle section. At all. Me, little brother, little sister, mother, little sister's friend. All five of us, and we can't lift it. Well crap. Brother, sister, sister's friend, and mom go in to take sister's friend home.

I stay outside and give the snowman a face using Magnolia leaves, and shove sticks in. Boom, dead snowman. I win.

The base of the snowman came up to my waste, and I could get up and stand on it. I didn't even try the head and body.

Next time: How we got the middle and head onto the base. Also, pics. Stay tuned. --> greatest fractal art you'll ever damn see, bitch! Now that the account belongs to Leviathan, epicness shall FLOW!

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