Saturday, May 24, 2008

Maniacal Machinations: Quotes on England

I was reading the Wikipedia article on England when I came across the Wikiquote link. What I found was more than just a bit amusing:

"England... is a nation of shopkeepers" - Napoleon

"Continental people have a sex life; the English have hot water bottles" - George Mikes
"On the Continent, people have good food; in England, people have good table manners." - George Mikes
"An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of one." - George Mikes

"England is the only country in the world where the food is more dangerous than sex." - Jackie Mason

"We do not regard Englishmen as foreigners. We look on them only as rather mad Norwegians." - Halvard Lange

"Not to be English was for my family so terrible a handicap as almost to place the sufferer in the permanent invalid class." - Osbert Lancaster

"In England there are sixty different religions and only one sauce." - Francesco Caracciolo

"I like the English. They have the most rigid code of immorality in the world." - Malcolm Bradbury

"The English instinctively admire any man who has no talent and is modest about it." - James Agate

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