Sunday, November 4, 2007

It's Not Violent Video Games We Should Be Keeping From Children, It's Headsets

First Off before I start I will state that my stance on using demeaning slurs in my book is not OK.

With that being said you probably have a good idea about what I am planning on writing about from the title. Every gamer knows about this epidemic that has been a problem for years. Its the young kids on headsets that use every vulgarity known to man. I will give you an example to refresh you minds. During the first week I had Halo 3 I was playing online a lot. Things were going great for a while. The other players were usually civil, if there was trash talk it never escalated past the word fuck. Then it happened. The pre-teen crowd hit the game. There was this kid with the name Daniel in his gamer tag who in the beginning went down the list and called every player in the room a derogatory term. usually stringing them together in nonsensical terms. To which I do my normal reply. I'm sorry that your testicles haven't dropped sweetheart, but because you know other terms for homosexuals, does not make you A. good at a game, or B. any cooler then your mom thinks you are. Well he wasn't too happy about this. Especially since me and my pink armor and unicorn emblem handed his ass to him.

The point I am getting at is parents think that violent games corrupt children, when I believe its handing them headsets for these video games. I have never heard such racist people as these 10 year olds. What does it make them feel empowered. Are they suppressing inhibitions that they wish to explore themselves? I believe that much like with violent video games being bought by ignorant parents, if they knew what their children were saying online to others, they would take away that headset away ASAP. Probably slap the child in the mouth.

Now on the nerd side of things, These kids are always horrible at the game. They have some skill but they never follow through, and get even more enraged post match. These are also the kids who call HAXXOR after a match because they do not have the hand eye coordination to find there penis to get the manly release, let alone play a video game. I remember watching a video on you tube during a rainbow six match where this child was demanding chocolate milk and calling his mother a bitch. Listen sparky, I'm damn sure it is not you whose paying that internet bill.

But speaking about parents, where the hell do these children find these terms. You all know that these aren't the normal cuss words that you drop in middle school let alone elementary school. When I have kids you better believe they playing their VG games in the living room where I can hear em. So please if you have children, make sure they are 16 before letting em chat online with audio, and even then they are probably still to stupid to talk.


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