Sunday, November 11, 2007

Maniacal Machinations 11/11/07

Oh shit, guys. It's 11/11. You know what that means . . . . It's the Day of the Turkey!

No, not Thanksgiving, but a pagan festival dedicated to the dark god of poultry, whose terrible gobbles tormented the bellies of those unfortunate enough to hear them. One day, a brave warrior slew the Dark Turkey by pouring boiling gravy all over it before stuffing it full of vegetables through its anus and throwing it into a volcano.

Every year on this very day, the turkeys go out for blood, seeking vengeance for their ancestor. They swarm the streets and countrysides, slaughtering any humans in an ironic and somewhat humorous fashion. So remember, lock your doors, seal your windows, and keep some stuffing handy.

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