Monday, November 26, 2007

A Look Back at Social Qualifications of Gamers

I don't know bout y'all, but my fuzzy Grey balls remember back in the day when gamers were deemed nerds. Put into a class which was shunned by the popular kids. Usually cause they smelled and didn't attempt proper hygiene in any sense of fashion. Yet when you look at things these days, it is not the case. Even the cool kid is rocking a game in one sense or another.

I grew up in the 80's. An era of complete awesomeness. Don't lie, you all miss it. It was the era where video games really took off. Nintendo hit the stands, and either the nerds or the spoiled kids had them. Fast forward to the SNES. I remember my buddy had the cartridge that would allow him to play snes online... with all 5 other people. Wait, I'm totally getting off topic with nostalgia.

Back to the topic at hand. Now a days it is perfectly acceptable to sit in front of a TV with a controller in hand. Its cool to chat at the lunch table in front of girls about getting 12 head shots in a row. I guess I should enlighten you all as to why I felt I should write about this topic. Well now that I graduated from college, I don't live 5 mins away from my friends on foot. I live 15 mins away if I'm lucky. And as I do not like driving myself to the bars, I usually go out with my older brother. A person who has a lot of friends that I know none of. Now the last 4 times I have gone out with him, Every time I have spent at least 3 hours talking about gaming. The kicker, only one person has been annoyed about this, my older brother.

Now fast forward to 1990 ish times. This wouldn't be the case. It would be that only you and your friends could connect on this level. Now with the advent of XBOX live, you can play with people with people across the globe. I guess the purpose of why I am writing, is because I can at least say I am grateful that gaming is where it is. Now I don't have to raise an awkward kid who reeks of anti social behaviors. So remember, if you are at a party and dont think you have anything to talk about with others. Shut the fuck up and talk about nerdary.

Love and Kisses


Anonymous said...

That's utter shit your smoking. Being ashamed of your gaming habits are like battle scars. Granted, i'm talking abot real gaming, mini's and pen and paper rpgs. That's where it's at mate. Seriously, if you dont' have anything to talk bout but gaming, yo uahve failed. I never understood why nerds weren't well rounded..... it's always pissed me off.

Fuck i'm drunk. Also, you owe me a beer asshole. Cowgils over xmas break?

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.