Friday, December 14, 2007

Let's Loathe v. 4.5

"Are you whining again? Jeez, it's just a Guitar Hero-based fundraiser."

"But the reward for winning a VIDEO GAME is the opportunity to choose your schedule next semester?! That's such bull!"

"Look, do you get off on bitching about stuff?"

Huh. Wow. I'd never thought of myself that way before. I always thought that I whined because I never got my way, and whining was better than getting violent. I whine about things I get angry about, but... does expressing my rage in finding errors in the subject of said rage give me some sort of high? I'd never noticed before. And I know that my friends listen to me bitch all the time, and just nod and agree. The problem I have is that when anyone bitches back, I know that I'm of a superior mindset , they're idiots, and suddenly, it doesn't feel like it's worth arguing with a complete loser.

Take for example yesterday's Biology class. We watched a biographical movie about Charles Darwin, a man I consider to be the single greatest mind of modern history. Screw Einstein. Einstein wasn't going to get his ass kicked by the Church of his home country, he certainly didn't think up anything someone was just too scared to say, and he didn't risk losing the love of his life over his passions (Hell, he was gay if I remember correctly). So then the biography goes on to touch on Darwin's love for his cousin, Emma. Of course, the guy behind me, who I already know is a total douche, goes, "This guy WAS cracked all over."No, no he wasn't. Greatest mind of modern history, and if you lived in that time period, you'd probably have already done all your cousins, second cousins, and moved on to your sisters, you damn hick.


Besides, who says God didn't make it so that it worked that way? But I didn't feel like bringing up this point. Instead, I turn to my bio professer (brilliant woman, by the way) after class and tell her what I heard. She lol'd, and said the same thing I did. "Greatest mind of modern history, and if you lived in that time period, you'd probably have already done all your cousins, second cousins, and moved on to your sisters" etc. Only without the whole "doing" thing. Knowing that my professor, someone I respect, and who, incidentally is nominated for TIME person of the year for teaching Evolution, saw eye-to-eye with me on this issue and was able to laugh with me about this idiot meant so much more to me than showing that loser that everything he believed in was a lie imposed on him by "THA MAN." Tha Man can have all the little cronies he wants. We free-thinkers may not take over the world, but under the tyrannical rule of Tha Man, we'll feel ultimately superior, and laughat his expense. I know you can all relate with this "idiot" deal.

Huh... I went way off topic.Well, till I get a proper, organized "Loathe" up, enjoy the extreme fucked up weather wherever you are! YAY GLOBAL WARMING!

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