Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Random Rant

Fucking abbreviations and shit now a days. I agreed totally when Maddox ranted about peoples opinion and shit. He covered many points, but I'll expand on it.


I'm Massively HomO. That's must be what it fucking means. Why the H? WHY the fucking honest? First off, IMO wasn't... really needed in the first place. Whenever you say something is better, or your favorite, and provide no real explanation or reasoning why, then of course it's your damn opinion. We can leave it at that. Sometimes opinions are good, other times bad, but it is what it is.

'Honest opinion'? Is there a need to tell them that your being honest now? Were some people giving opinions that were dishonest? Do we need some disclaimer now so people don't think your lying? I can see it now:

"Oh, man, this guy has some crazy ideas, that could never happen, must be a liar. OH SNAP! That's his HONEST opinion? Maybe I should check it out to be on the safe side...."

Fuck you. That's right, fuck you guys. If they lied before, why can't they just add the h and lie again? Fucking faggots.

Now for some lunch

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